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Come The End Of The World
There is in the land of Mnar a vast still lake that is fed by no stream and out of which no stream flows. Ten thousand years ago there stood by its shore the mighty city of Sarnath, but Sarnath stands there no more.
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Thread Thine Path
There is in the land of Mnar a vast still lake that is fed by no stream and out of which no stream flows.
An adventurer clad in fireproof steel with an unquenchable thirst for dragon hunting
A nimble nobleman from a distant land with a sole purpose of honing his skill
Fire Seeker
A remnant of a former saint, a swordmaster with a hefty blade once used to protect.
An adventurer clad in fireproof steel with an unquenchable thirst for dragon hunting
A nimble nobleman from a distant land with a sole purpose of honing his skill
A remnant of a former saint, a swordmaster with a hefty blade once used to protect.
An adventurer clad in fireproof steel with an unquenchable thirst for dragon hunting
A nimble nobleman from a distant land with a sole purpose of honing his skill
A remnant of a former saint, a swordmaster with a hefty blade once used to protect.
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Hardcore Gamers
"Take the hardcore gamers. The characters are way more real in the world of hardcore gamers who have played the game for hundreds and hundreds of hours. They have the movie in their heads, they've built it on their own. These guys are always very disappointed in the movies. "
- Uwe Boll
Epic Fantasy
"Fantasy encompasses a wide, wide spectrum of writing. We have beast fables, we have gothics, we have tales of vampires and werewolves, and we have sword and sorcery; we have epics from Homer, and there is just so much out there that we put under the umbrella of fantasy."
- Robin Hobb
Speed up leveling
"The humanitarian developers behind World of Warcraft have also discovered a way to bribe gamers into turning off their computers and going outside. If you log off for a few days, your character will be more 'rested' when you resume playing, a mode that temporarily speeds up your leveling. "
- Clive Thompson
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[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”18px”][vc_column_text]But half buried in the rushes was spied a curious green idol of stone; an exceedingly ancientidol coated with seaweed and chiselled in the likeness of Bokrug, the great water-lizard. That idol, enshrined in the high temple at Ilarnek, was subsequently worshipped beneath thegibbous moon throughout the land of Mnar.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”40px”]
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